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'I have loved every session we have had over the past eighteen months and couldn’t have been in the position I am now without your support. I can’t thank you enough for everything you have done, you have well and truly helped me become the best me I could be'


'As a parent I can say how much of a therapy singing together really was. It brought me so much pleasure and inspiration, and it was a great way to meet other parents and find support in that. It became the highlight of my month'


'My son was able to be part of a group of young people with varying levels of disability and communication and be a full member of that group.  His contribution, musically and creatively, was unique but a really crucial part of the whole performance and therefore highly valued.​ He clearly had a lot of fun. The evident relationship between the young people, the professional musicians, helpers, and music therapist came across so positively in the telling of the performance story - it appeared that everyone was gaining something from the experience as well as enjoying it immensely.  For children and young people who are profoundly disabled or who have life-limiting conditions, opportunities for doing these sort of creative performances are limited and hence very precious for them and for their families'


'When we returned, it was to find her animated and smiley and absolutely loving the music rehearsals and performance she was taking part in, engaging beautifully with the musicians who were able to reach her in a way nobody else really could.  It was an incredible moment to walk in the door, feeling so guilty at having left her and so fearful about what we would return to, and see her looking like this. It is a very precious memory for us all now and something so positive we can hold on to and treasure.’ 

Young person

'This was my first opportunity to have my work played by professional musicians and their feedback was a great confidence boost without which I doubt I would have gone on to study at music college. Witnessing the enjoyment of the other young people participating gave me an interest in arts outreach and as a result I undertook a work placement with a charity bringing music to patients in a children’s hospital and am currently working on a project with a professional orchestra which will involve performances and workshops in schools as well as more traditional concerts'.

Workshop Leader in our projects:

 ‘As the workshop leader I have one main aim and that is to hand over the role of leadership to the young musicians. This can be by playing their instrument or gestures and movement. During rehearsal we have some wonderful moments of both music and personal discovery, but it isn’t until the performance that the real magic happens. Every young musician is now the conductor, leader and performer. They can play on every composition and feel part of a team, an ensemble that creates incredible music.  There is a real feeling of togetherness and achievement in every piece that is simply fantastic to be a part of.’

Community musician/performer working on our projects:

‘What can I say that can put into words the happiness I feel in taking part in these few days? It is really, without doubt, the highlight of my year...concerts, seminars, tours...they do not compare. At the end of every concert there is always a feeling in me that something needed to be better, something wasn't quite right...I cannot help it...I am always wanting something more. I love every performance I take part in, but I just always want it to be better and better. However, this is the only time I feel at peace...with everything. It is what real perfection is for me. It has nothing to do with the right notes. These young people, facing challenges I cannot even fathom, give me a strength and a joy...and a sense of relief that what we are doing is true and sincere, that can never be matched in any other type of musical performance.  It is as much a therapy and a necessity in my life as it may be for the children we work with.’

Telephone: 07759 069141


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